
Booking Enquiry

Blankety Quiz: What's It All About?


About this Event

People think because I’m a quizmaster that I should have all the answers. To be honest, I barely even have any of the questions.

“What’s it all about?” takes the piss out of this thing we call existence, asks whether money is the answer and rips God and politicians a new one. All in the most respectful way possible, because I dunno, maybe you’re right. Maybe you know the point of life and all my cynical sneerings and scoffings are buying me a one way ticket to hell (But as I was born in Luton, it holds little fear for me)

Jokes, doodles, song, laughter, joy, love, anger, vitriol, some smiting, a little bit of yegaddery, a smidgeon of tomfoolery, jiggery pokery and how’s your father? (And of course Questions, Answers and Prizes)

and with a hope and prayer, we’ll all have a jolly good time :D


£2 quiz entry per person

Prizes to be won

Laughs to be had.

Grab a table from 8.30pm or come before 7.30pm and get 2 pizzas for £12 xxx

No. 51 Stokes Croft, 51 Stokes Croft 51 Stokes Croft, Bristol BS1 3QP