
Booking Enquiry

Social Presents: Cabbage


About this Event

CABBAGE are a Manchester based five piece Politburo, serving up an idiosyncratic, satirical attack in the form of discordant neo post-punk.

CABBAGE are a group of young males who have fallen into solitary, half-mad grooves of life and given up trying to be normal or decent. With a collective desire to express themselves creatively, artistically, and in a semi rebellious - but ultimately meaningful nature - Cabbage are here to fight for all that's pure. Oliver Rodrigues in 1825 said: “The power of the arts is indeed the most immediate and fastest way to social, political and economic reform,” and Cabbage join and submerge in that struggle and inevitable victory. Manchester-based, the five-piece serve up an idiosyncratic, satirical attack in the form of discordant neo post punk. - See more at: http://cabbage.tmstor.es/cart/product.php?id=28849#sthash.Ej7Kldii.dpuf


LUGS doncasters very own, enegeretic and dark, Doom Pop and Crocs™ Rock for Tellurians 3 peice with edge.

Social Bar Doncaster, 28-30 Lazarus Court, Bradford Row 28-30 Lazarus Court, Bradford Row, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 3NF