I was told about the Roast Dinner experience by a friend who visits you almost weekly. She showed me the photos and video of the meal that she has on her phone...Delicious!.. An extra large Yorkshire pud, piled with roasted veg, lots of real potatoes (not your frozen rubbish) and at least 4-5 slice read moreI was told about the Roast Dinner experience by a friend who visits you almost weekly. She showed me the photos and video of the meal that she has on her phone...Delicious!.. An extra large Yorkshire pud, piled with roasted veg, lots of real potatoes (not your frozen rubbish) and at least 4-5 slices of beef. The presentation had me salivating.. Alas, I visited yesterday and I have to say I was very disappointed, the portion was meagre and swimming in gravy (I would have preferred it on the side) 3 tiny potatoes Am I to assume now that all the introductory fuss is over that you are now serving much smaller portions for the same price? Don't get me started on the cocktails..can someone please try to make a decent one..And how about a drinks menu for starters?